The last time I made paper cranes I was in my last year of high school. A friend of mine taught me to make them. They really weren’t that hard – just time consuming. I stuck them on my dresser along with other teenage trinkets (lip gloss, perfume, Ramones cassettes, paperback version of The Catcher in the Rye
, retainer, pack of gum, letter to ex-boyfriend.) Before long they were buried and forgotten. Too bad I didn’t think to hang them from the ceiling!
Paper crane garland is so beautiful and a wonderful DIY touch to any wedding.
Here’s a video tutorial on how to fold paper cranes:
To learn to put them onto the string, hop on over to So Your Engayed for this tutorial on paper crane strings.
Photo One: Christine Meintjes; Photo Two: One Love Photo via So Your Engayged; Photo Three: Kirsten Ellis Beaux Arts Photographie via PolkaDotBride.