By Darin (The Huzz)
I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 14. It got serious when I started university and did the traditional caffeine induced study marathons. Energy drinks were just starting to arrive on the scene then, and they were expensive, just like they are today. Twenty years ago, before the latte craze, a monster coffee from the local coffee shop was under a buck-fifty.
My preferred method of brewing coffee is a French Press, so when Tassimo offered to send us a Tassimo T20 single cup coffee maker by Bosch I wasn’t sure that I would even like the coffee that it brewed, but I was willing to give it a try.
I was pleasantly surprised. We blasted through the samples we received and the 2 packs of coffee we bought at the grocery store in one week. It’s a breeze to use – and super quick, which is great when you are in a rush to get out the door. And the coffee tastes great. But there is a downside, and it’s a fairly big one: it’s expensive.
A single cup of coffee brewed at home is almost the same price as the coffee from the Starbucks drive-thru.
Here is how it breaks down for cost :
Tassimo T20 One Cup Coffee Maker: $99.00 USD on (You can purchase the coffee maker and T Disc via the affiliate links below if you are so inclined)
Starbucks Cafe Verona t discs:
Local Grocery Store Price: 10.49 / 12 pk = 0.87 per brew incl. Shipping Price: 49.99 / 60 pk = 0.83 per brew price: 20.56 / 24 pk = 0.86 per brew
Now how much coffee does that really get you? I measured out a single t disc brew and it came out to 8 0z or 250 ml for the metric fans. One official Starbucks short cup, right on. If you’re used to the 16 oz Starbucks Grande, you’re looking at about $1.66 to $1.74 per cup for your home brew. Our local ‘bucks haunt charges $1.95.
That said, we have discovered a hot tip for the coffee drinkers who want to cut their costs. If you brew your Grande-equivalent cup at home and go for the full-on double T-disc, yes you’re looking at about $1.70 per cup. But, what we’ve found is that for our size of cup it works quite well to use the add water option and top up our 12 – 14 oz cups with a bit of extra from the same T-discs. That brings your cuppa Joe down to 80 cents and there’s really not much compromise in taste.
So, if you are looking for a coffee maker that is convenient to use that makes really tasty coffee – the Tassimo T20 single cup coffee maker is for you. Just make sure you make plenty of room in your budget for your coffee fix.
Full Disclosure: We love coffee. Tassimo gave us a coffee maker for free to try. We like the starbucks coffee that it brews, and even enjoyed the Nabob brand samples it came with. We have provided links in this post to the coffee maker and the T-Discs via our amazon affiliates account and if you make a purchase when you get there, amazon gives us a cut. That’s what keeps this website going. That seems to be how a lot of other bloggers do it too. Some are up front about it like us, others aren’t. We hope you find this site helpful and see that we’re not all fluff-n-buff and full of fake rah-rah-rah-siss-boom-bah about the stuff we get to review.