brownie pops good ones prg

One thing you don’t mess with is a good thing. A good thing like my mother-in-law’s DEEElicious brownies. You just don’t mess with them. Unless, of course, you just bought a Wilton brownie pop mold.

I’ve been seeing brownie pops here and there on various food blogs and I couldn’t wait to give em’ a go, so I drove 20 minutes to the nearest Micheal’s and yippeee, I got the last mold in stock.

“These things are selling like crazy,” said the cashier, as she scanned my 50 percent off coupon.

On the way home I loaded up on various coloured sugars and meltable chocolate wafers to decorate my creations.

brownie pop molds decoration

I set up my decorating station, and off I went to whip up a batch of brownies. Thankfully, the Flintstones had a particularly compelling episode that afternoon which enraptured my children for a full half an hour (miraculous!). This meant that my husband could pitch in and help with the brownie pop making.

Unfortunately, impatience + baking = trouble and I am not a patient person. I try, but when I get really jazzed about something, I want IT NOW. So, in my haste to decorate my brownie pops, I did not let them cool long enough and the brownie pop stick kept sliding through the end of the brownie. So, keep this in mind if you decide these are something you want to make. Also, I think it would help keep the stick in place if you dipped them in melted chocolate before inserting them into the brownie. Next time, that’s what I will do.

None of my brownie pops looked ‘perfect’ and if perfection is your thing, you might want to get a local baker to make these for you or at least decorate them for you especially if you are making them for your wedding. That said, my imperfect brownie pops were fun and super yummy to eat and I will make them again soon.

I think these would make a superbly fun snack for a wedding shower.

Here is the brownie recipe. If you don’t have brownie pop molds, you can make them in a pan and use cookie cutters to cut out shapes and insert a cookie stick. Read the tutorial on how to make cookie cutter brownies over at Twig and Thistle.

Barb’s  Brownies

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

1/2 cup butter (I use salted butter.)

2 scant cups brown sugar

2 eggs

1 cup flour

5 dessert spoons cocoa

1 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and add sugar. Cream well. Add eggs and beat until fluffy. Add salt and vanilla. Mix in flour and cocoa.

How to Make Brownie Pops


Spray silicone brownie mold with vegetable oil. (You can get the molds from my Amazon affiliate link here if you want: Wilton Round Brownie Pop Mold.) Fill each mold cavity 2/3 full with brownie batter. Place mold in oven and bake at 350 degrees for 30 mins. (Time will vary depending on your oven and the type of pan you are using.) According to, you can also bake for 15 to 20 minutes, remove from oven, carefully insert cookie sticks, then return to oven for the remaining cooking time. Maybe this would help the cookie sticks to set?

brownie pops

Place pan on cooling grid and cool completely. Pop brownies from mold. I turned my mold over and carefully pushed in the bottom of each cavity. They released easily.

brownie pops

Gently insert cookie sticks.

brownie pops

Melt chocolate wafers. (I nuked mine). Gently dip brownie pops in melted chocolate. (When the chocolate eventually hardens it will help to seal the end of the brownies.)

brownie pops

Gently dip brownie pop in sprinkles or colored sugar. Let cool. I had to let my brownie pops cool with the brownie part facing down. I tried to turn them over to cool but the stick went through the end. I suspect this would not have happened if I had let the brownie pops cool down more before inserting the cookie stick and dipping them in the chocolate.

brownie pops


If you are making brownie pops for your wedding or bridal shower you can place them in mason jars and simply have your guests help themselves. (They would also make cute favors.) One thing is certain: They will go fast!!

I’d love to hear about your attempts at making these. Please drop me a line if you do!!