You have got to check out this artist’s work! She works from wedding photographs and makes miniature models out of the wedding scenes. At $5,000 and up they are a bit pricey, but wouldn’t this make a fabulous keepsake?

Gotcha!!! It’s April Fool’s Day and I just couldn’t resist. These are tilt-shift photos. Tilt-shift miniature style photos are pictures of real-life scenes that are manipulated to look like model photographs. These images were actually made with TiltShift Maker. I simply uploaded a couple of wedding ceremony images and viola, a miniature appeared! Some photos work better than others. Give it a try. It’s a blast. But before you mosey on over, watch this incredible Tilt-shift video by Keith Loutit. (Photos above: #1 from Sherry and John’s wedding; #2 Overbury Inn outdoor ceremony.)

